The personnel committee of First Church sits down for its annual staff salary review. After a few moments of silently perusing the numbers, someone eventually verbalizes what everyone else is thinking: “Why is Pastor Brian paid so much less than Pastor Larry? Hasn’t Brian been here longer? And Larry hasn’t even finished seminary. That doesn’t seem right.” 

Second Church, across town, has a different question. Word on the ministerial street is that every other church in the community pays better than they do. And when they recently had an open role to fill they were discouraged to learn their leading candidate declined taking a position elsewhere. The pastor couldn’t help but wonder, “Was it because of the money?” 

These are fair questions, and in some cases, they may have good answers. But unfortunately, for many churches, there is often no rhyme or reason for why staff salaries are what they are. For some churches, the issues could be attributed to a change in leadership or a new philosophy of staff compensation.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.