The Lord be with you and bless you today.

(Yesterday on the blog: Two Years Later: What Aileen Is Thankful For)

The Message of Hurricane Ian

“For with all of the advancements of man, for all our technology and knowledge, weather reminds us that we are small, frail, and weak. We cannot summon the sun to shine. We cannot tame the wind. We cannot command the rain to fall—or command it to stop falling. God can and does.”

Negative World Arrives in Australia

This is an interesting one from Jake Meador. “It didn’t take long, but we can now say that Aaron Renn and James Wood have been vindicated. Their recent analyses of our cultural moment and strategies for Christian cultural engagement have been proven right by recent events in Australia. I refer, here, to Andrew Thorburn and his rapid departure from a high-profile role at one of Australia’s most prestigious professional sporting clubs.”

New: R.C. Sproul’s Commentary on Galatians

When false teachers were creeping into churches and undermining the gospel, the Apostle Paul wrote an unyielding defense of God’s saving grace in Christ. This month, you can receive Galatians: An Expositional Commentary by R.C. Sproul, based

To the full-length post originally published on this site.