Shepherd Press is pleased to announce the publication of two new books:

The Why, The What, and The How of Church Membership
by Wayne Mack

Should you commit yourself to membership in a local church? Isn’t just being a Christian enough? Anyhow, where does the Bible say that we have to become members of a church… why can’t I just attend and get involved? These are very important questions that demand an answer, especially in the casual age that we’re living in.

In this short, readable book, Dr. Wayne Mack answers these questions and argues conclusively and clearly for church membership. This is a book all Christians should read, whether members or non-members of a local church—and one that every pastor should hand out to his congregation!

Learn more and order here.

Identifying Heart Transformation
by Nate Brooks

Some people think that only Christians can experience “real change” or “lasting change.” However, such observations don’t hold up in real life. Confusion about change often exists because our understanding of the nature of the heart is underdeveloped. Both unbelievers and believers can change their thoughts, desires, and choices, because doing so doesn’t require a change of heart. Only Christians, however,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.