This article is written by BCC Counselor Theron St. John as part of our new series on the family. In this series, our counselors are examining various difficulties of family life and sharing ways to pursue healthier family dynamics.

A few months ago, my wife Esther and I’s lives changed forever.

My wife and I were expecting it to happen but not in the way that it did. We wanted to be equipped when the time came, but we found out how unprepared we were.

On September 20, our beautiful baby boy Israel was born. We were well stocked on diapers and had his room ready at home, but what we had not done was prepare our hearts for this transition in life.

This became apparent in my heart within three days of my son’s birth.

My wife had lingering complications from the delivery and was in need of my continual help. Rather than respond with kindness, I was sharp in my words toward her and did not have the attitude of a servant.

At the same time, we had a baby to take care of now. The evenings proved to be stressful. The moment I thought our

To the full-length post originally published on this site.