… stand firm and hold on to the traditions that you were taught by us …
2 Thessalonians 2:15

Those who “stand firm” are not swayed by “every wind of doctrine” that blows down the street. They are unshaken in their beliefs because they know from whom they received them—apostles whose writings were inspired by the Spirit. That Paul found it necessary to use two verbs to stress his point (“stand firm” and “hold on to”) indicates the fact that many are easily swayed by erroneous teaching. Smooth-talking promoters of untruth have peddled their wares like a sideshow barker outside the circus tent throughout the past as well as today. They can always be detected by the fact that they set up for business outside the main tent. People must be taught, therefore, to be suspicious of anything that smacks of newness or difference. When examined carefully, most of these new ideas and perspectives call for a departure from mainstream biblical teaching. Hold firmly to what New Testament writers and faithful teachers have always taught, and you are not likely to go wrong.


From Jay E. Adams, Day by Day Along the Way, 121.


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