I’m grateful to Christian Focus for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about their excellent Track series of books for young people.

Today’s Kindle deals include a number of classics.

(Yesterday on the blog: Retractions)

A Friend Just Lost an Unbelieving Loved One to Death: What Do I Say, Think, and Do?

This article has some good things to say about offering help and comfort to someone who has lot an unbelieving loved one.

The Light of Christ in a World of Darkness

Alistair Begg: “The Christmas message ought to be hopeful. But if it is to be hopeful, it must be more than sentimental. Hope turns on the fulcrum of truth. If we would hold on to hope as we look into the darkness of the coming year, then our own purposes for our lives will do us little good. We can make nothing true by believing it, and we can make nothing right by wanting it.”

Practical Advice for Christian Parents of a Child Identifying as Transgender

Denny Burk shares a letter he has written to help parents whose daughter has decided she may be transgender—a tragically common occurrence these days.

The Comedy

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.