“Party Water”

I invented “Party Water.” “Party Water” is just water, and the kids all know that. Nonetheless, I use it as a gimmick to advertise “Pastor Ed’s After-School Kids Class.”

For the past two decades, I’ve met every Tuesday during the school year at 4 p.m. in my office with the elementary school students of our church. The 90-minute event draws about 15 children each week. We eat unhealthy snacks, play dodgeball in the basement, learn vocabulary words like “soteriology,” study a passage of Scripture, color a picture, drink “Party Water,” and dismiss. It’s a pretty simple operation, but it constantly ranks as my favorite ministry activity of the week.

I don’t have any deep philosophical underpinnings that support my rationale for doing it. Their parents are members of our church. I am their pastor. They are souls that will spend eternity somewhere, and this is an opportunity to give them the gospel.

As I search my heart, I honestly don’t have anything profound to say about the necessity of the senior pastor being involved in ministering directly to children like this. It’s pretty simple. They are people who need the Word of God. My schedule allows me to

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.