In our adult Sunday School classes at Capitol Hill Baptist Church, we ask teachers to use a manuscript and most of the classes are lecture format. As a result, our teachers sometimes think that all we care about is good content, and it doesn’t matter if they are boring. Quite the contrary. Engagement and insight are critical aspects of teaching, even for laypeople teaching Sunday School classes. Content isn’t everything.

Why? Here are three reasons why teachers of the Bible shouldn’t be boring—and four strategies to avoid boring teaching.


As Martyn Lloyd-Jones put it: “There is something radically wrong with dull and boring preachers. How can a man be dull when he is handling such themes? I would say that a ‘dull preacher’ is a contradiction in terms. . . . With the grand theme and message of the Bible dullness is impossible.”[i]

What is more beautiful, more awe-inspiring, and more rewarding than intensely studying the glories of our Savior, his work on our behalf, and his perfect plans for us? Jesus described teaching as bringing out treasures from a house, both new and old (Matt. 13:52). Boring classes reflect poorly on the magnificent treasures

To the full-length post originally published on this site.