Grace and peace to you, my friends.

Logos has kicked off their annual 12 Days of Logos event and, as always, there are some good deals to be had.

Christian Word of the Year: Winsome

Stephen McAlpine considers a word that showed up a lot this year. “It’s everywhere you look at the moment. So please step forward ‘winsome’ and take a bow. You’ve been over-used, over-realised, under-appreciated, over-stated, undered and overed, and whatever else can happen to a poor old lonesome winsome word in these topsy turvy times.”

The Case for Taking Video Games Seriously

I think Patrick Miller makes a good case here. “Mainstream Christian discourse rarely moves past this single note. Critical engagement with games is largely absent in major Christian publications. Moreover, writing seriously about games is a credibility killer. While few look askance when a critic describes a Terrence Malick film as ‘cinematic wisdom literature,’ a serious video game review results in awkward looks.”

A Letter to My Old Self

Blake writes a letter to his old self—probably quite a helpful exercise.

20 Questions a Husband Should Ask His Wife About Their Kids

If you’re the kind who likes to consider things

To the full-length post originally published on this site.