This week’s post is sponsored by The Master’s Academy International (TMAI), a global network of pastoral training centers that specialize in expository preaching.

I love to recommend good and God-honoring books. And with so many insightful resources to point to and so many publishers to print them for us, I think it’s good to reflect on how we as Christians are so extraordinarily blessed to be surrounded by such a vast number of biblical resources. But when we do that, we have to realize that this is hardly the experience of all Christians everywhere. In fact, for most Christians around the world today, it’s rare for theologically sound books to exist at all in their native language, much less their local market.

That’s why I am so enthusiastic about the global publishing initiatives of The Master’s Academy International (TMAI). They are a worldwide non-profit network of pastoral training centers that equip indigenous church leaders to preach the word and shepherd their people. A natural extension of this ministry is publishing. So just like we in the West are blessed to have so many pastors and scholars who preach and write for us here, TMAI is working to

To the full-length post originally published on this site.