January was a weird month.

I got Covid, my husband almost got stranded in Mexico (due to Covid restrictions), and…my Facebook account was permanently deleted.

What started as an apparent hacking ended with Facebook permanently deleting me. Forever. My appeal was denied.

My Gospel-Centered Mom page is still visible, but it is a dead page. It will be there until Facebook decides to remove it.

There is no way for me to reach my Facebook followers to let them know what happened. I feel terrible knowing that they will never see another post from me and they won’t know why.

I need your help! I just joined Instagram (I’m only a few years late, right?) Please follow me and help me spread the word to other moms! I post daily glimpses into my crazy life with five boys and gospel-centered tips for motherhood – all sprinkled with the humor that keeps me sane.

I appreciate your help! As a way of saying thank you,

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.