This week’s Free Stuff Friday is sponsored by Radius International.  They are giving away a conference package that includes: 2 tickets, a Radius pullover, and 4 books.

The winner will receive two free tickets to The Radius Conference being held June 28-29, 2023, at Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA. This event will be live in person or available as a live stream. John MacArthur, Costi Hinn, Ian Hamilton, Wayne Chen, Brooks Buser, Chad Vegas, and others from the Radius world will be live and in-person to teach on the Great Commission in today’s world.

The winner will receive a Radius International branded pullover. Size and gender option to be selected by the winner from available stock.

The winners will also receive four books that Radius International highly recommends:

No Shortcut to Success

A Manifesto for Modern Missions

By Matt Rhodes

Avoid “Get-Rich-Quick” Missions Strategies and Invest in Effective, Long-Term Ministry

Trendy new missions strategies are a dime a dozen, promising missionaries monumental results in record time. These strategies report explosive movements of people turning to Christ, but their claims are often dubious and they do little to ensure the health of believers or churches that remain.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.