One of the more common questions we get asked when helping those with fear, worry, and anxiety is whether they should use anti-anxiety medication. At BCC, we often counsel those who have already been prescribed by a medical doctor and it is estimated that 8% percent of the US Population [1] takes some sort of anti-anxiety medicine. How should we think through the issues of anxiety medication? If you have wondered about this question, this article will help you think it through.

You may have wondered about these types of questions that we hear frequently:

Do anxiety medicines work effectively?What are the side effects?What is the relapse rate?Is there a more natural medicine approach?Is it sinful to try psychiatric medication?What else besides medication might relieve anxiety?Would EMDR help my anxiety?Would medical marijuana help with my anxiety?

When approaching the question of medication, we walk our counselees through three questions that help clarify whether anxiety medicines would be an appropriate choice. In the first half of this article, I am going to present the short answers to the three questions. In part two of this article, I will expand on my answers and give a fuller explanation.

A Few Important Disclaimers:

To the full-length post originally published on this site.