Editor’s Note: This article is part of a series on anxiety. Each of our experiences with anxiety is very different based upon who we are as a person and the circumstances that we find ourselves in. We are writing about the experience of anxiety from many different angles so you may not find every article as helpful to you as another one that better describes your experience. The good news is that the Bible isn’t a one-size-fits-all guide to life, but be confident that the answers found in the Bible can help you. God does understand what you are going through, and He will guide you.
In this article, BCC counselor MicKenzie Crowley helps us consider the promises of God and how they can be an integral part in helping us combat the feelings of anxiety.
To the one struggling with anxiety: your experience of chaos, confusion, and all-consuming thoughts will not be the end of you.
Anxiety can feel completely consuming, to the point that our ability to thrive and to function confidently and efficiently becomes elusive. We’re barely maintaining and we lose confidence in our God. His promises seem to feel broken and almost taunting. The reality is that in our
To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.