Editors Note: This is the first article in a series on addressing fear, worry, and anxiety over the next few weeks.  It is more general in nature because future articles will be giving more specific strategies on how to deal effectively with fear, worry, and anxiety.  Our BCC Staff writers have spent a great deal of time working through these issues, and we pray that series will be a blessing to you.

Everyone worries.  Everyone has a problem with anxiety – including me.  Despite the fact that we generally think God is against our fear, worry, and anxiety, we don’t ever seem to completely overcome its harsh grip. 

God created us as emotional people. Our emotions are given by God to put us “into motion.”  For instance, anger is driven by a sense of injustice and a desire to oppose something that we feel isn’t fair or right.  In the same way, fear is a God-given emotion when our mind alerts us to danger, real or perceived.  Anxiety is what we feel when our body is responding to the emotion of fear.  Worry is the thought process that mulls over and gives power to the object of our

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.