Today’s post is sponsored by Christian Focus Publications, and written by Brian J. Wright and John R. Brown, authors of the God’s Daring Dozen series.

 “Mommy, Daddy, who were the Minor Prophets?”

“Well, there’s Jonah and ….”

And unfortunately, most parents are stumped at one. The Minor Prophets make up nearly a fifth of the books of Scripture, yet few people are familiar with even their names, much less their content. Now, however, there are books available that introduce both adults and children to these amazing men of God.

Introducing Kids (and Parents) to the Minor Prophets

God’s Daring Dozen is the first children’s picture book series on the Minor Prophets in the history of children’s literature. These books faithfully convey this neglected portion of God’s word in a way that is engaging and understandable for adults and children alike.

This series has several other significant features:

The authors are seminary-trained pastors, who are also parents. The illustrations are archaeologically informed, from the Assyrian armies to the Babylonian gates. The figures are realistically presented to emphasize that these men actually lived, and these events actually occurred. The titles are taglines to make the books’ messages memorable: Obadiah and the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.