March Matchups at Logos has wrapped up for the year and lots of great deals are ready for the taking. You’ll find 50% off Preaching the Word Commentary Series, 57% off Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary, 60% off Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Collection, and so on. Get them all here.
(Yesterday on the blog: Behind-the-Scenes: Endorsements)
Jared Wilson reflects on midlife. “Midlife brings new insecurities and awakenings to long-dormant regrets. Many of us face empty nests and the prospect of, in effect, starting over with spouses we’ve only related to for so long as co-parents rather than as partners or friends. Many of us face the reality of aging parents and any fears or worries or responsibilities that come with that.”
“If I were on a church’s pastoral search committee, one question I would have for each candidate is: What social media accounts do you use, how often do you publish on them, and who in your life has total access to your page and your private messages and could confront you, if necessary, about anything on there?” Samuel James explains.
The John 10:10 Project has another of their fascinating videos.
To the full-length post originally published on this site.