Good morning. Grace and peace to you on this fine day.

Today’s Kindle deals include some great titles from Crossway.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Prayer for Our Pastors)

5 Lessons from the Japanese American Internment

What an interesting article. It shares some lessons from the Japanese American internment during the Second World War, focusing on the Christians who were in the camps.

A Sexular Society

“We used to live in a religious world, where your religious belief defined who you were—it was where you got your identity from. Religion flavoured every aspect of life from the cradle to the grave, taking in education, community, family, even work. But things have changed, now we live in a secular world—one, in a sense, stripped of religious input.”

How to make the most of the Parental Settings on your Child’s Phone

There is some valuable help here for parents.

What do you do when you are spiritually dry?

“Do you ever think, ‘I want to desire God more,’ but for whatever reason, you’re just spiritually dry? The things that you know should thrill your soul feel commonplace. Maybe your desire for God’s word, your desire to pray, or your

To the full-length post originally published on this site.