What do you do when you have tried everything, but joy still feels far away?

You have read your Bible — silently and aloud, five verses at a time, even whole books at a time. You have pasted promises on notecards, and whiteboards, and on the back of your hand. You have gathered with God’s people, unburdened yourself to friends, searched for unrepentant sin. You have prayed — oh, have you prayed — by yourself and with others, in your room and on long walks. Perhaps, in desperation, you have gone on spiritual retreats, fasted for extended periods, heeded impressions you thought might be from God.

But still, darkness. Silence. Doubt.

Does he hear me? Does he know me? Is he there? Am I his?

Simple Reminders

Sometimes, when joy feels far away, we need to hear some simple reminders.

By simple reminders, I do not mean simplistic solutions.

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.