Every now and again I like to publicly reply to some of the questions that come my way via email (or, as is largely the case today, through events I have attended). Here are my answers to a selection of questions I thought were particularly interesting.

How can you encourage someone who is struggling with habitual sin?

In different areas and to different degrees we all struggle with habitual sins. And we will continue to do so until we are in the presence of the Lord. So I suppose the first thing I would want to communicate is that you are not alone in battling deeply-rooted sin. This is the normal Christian experience. And then I would want to encourage you that the fact that you are struggling against this sin and that you are eager to see progress against it is evidence of the Lord’s work within you. It is God who helps us identify sin and who gives us the longing to be free of it.

Yet the normalcy of sin should in no way permit complacency in battling hard against it. Bound up in the word “habitual” is “habit” which helps show

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.