Editor’s Note:

Some argue that a Baptist political theology is retreatist or pietistic—i.e., it ignores the here and now and the people in it. We disagree. Rather than retreat, God commands Christians to pray for the leaders of their land (1 Tim. 2:2). Our leaders desperately need God’s wisdom to exercise their authority well. More than that, they need God’s gospel. They need to repent and believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins. So we must pray for them and share the gospel with them. To encourage you and your church to this end, we asked some pastors for public prayers they’ve prayed over authority figures in high places.

Mark Dever, January 20, 1995, United States Congress

Let us pray:

Lord God, before the debates and disputes, the committees and compromises which may fill our day, we would stop and confess publicly that you are a good God. You have provided all we need, and so much more. We praise you for the freedom from want which marks off this land from so many others. Thank you for the wise and just leaders who work in this place, and for the people who honor law and pray

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.