Today’s Kindle deals include a whole long list from Matthias Media.

(Yesterday on the blog: How Calvin Responded When Luther Went Full-Out Luther)

Where Can Women Teach? Eight Principles for Christian Churches

Mary Kassian has written a helpful article that shares some principles to help clarify teaching roles within the church. “Where is the line when it comes to women teaching men? May women preach on Sunday mornings? Teach a Sunday school class? Lead a small group? Instruct a seminary course? Speak at a conference? At a couples’ retreat? On the radio? May women ever teach from Scripture when men are in the audience? Should men even be reading this article?”

3 Huge Downsides to a Busy Church

It’s too easy to confuse a busy church with a faithful church. “Many churches are incredibly busy and many church calendars are filled with too many things. It would seem some church leaders believe the pithy ‘If Satan can’t make you bad, he will make you busy’ for congregants but not for the congregation.”

Two Free Reformation Resources (SPONSORED LINK)

What led Martin Luther to make a courageous stand for the gospel in his day? Until Reformation Day, October 31, Ligonier

To the full-length post originally published on this site.