“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth” are words written by the Apostle John in his third epistle. While John is addressing his spiritual children, these words resonate with parents who see their children walking faithfully with Christ. Conversely, many parents will say that they have no greater sorrow than to hear that their children are walking in darkness.

It can be so very difficult and depressing, especially when we have done our best to raise our children “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord,” (Ephesians 6:1) to see them walk away from the faith. Perhaps they had made a profession of faith and were baptized at a young age and seemed to enjoy attending church, children’s programs, and youth group. It was exciting and joyful to see them follow Christ. Then, at some point, whether it was in college or at some other juncture in life, they abandoned the faith as evidenced by their ungodly actions (John 3:36) or by verbally declaring that they no longer believe (2 John 2:23).

What are we to think about this? Here are two truths and a lie to contemplate as we pray for

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.