Writing this section reminds me of my first day as the biblical counselor, working with students here at Faith Christian School.  It was freshman orientation day, and I was a part of the team working with the students. Can you imagine this? There were 70-plus freshmen; some knew each other from the years before, some were brand new to the school, some transferred over with their friends from their middle school, and some were new to Indiana, and the U.S. All sorts of emotions were evident, fears, like whom will I sit with, will I have the same friends after a whole summer? What will they be wearing? Will they ask me to talk out loud and participate in goofy games? Why am I so nervous? This is awful! Observing the interactions with the students, I felt like Counselor Troi from Star Trek, Next Generation, who was known for her alien gift of ESP (extra sensory perception), an empath.  When she came across an alien planet, the captain would ask her what she sensed, and she would cry out, “I FEEL PAIN!” Even as I think about this story, I sense those big emotions that come specifically in the teen

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.