When it comes to emotions, we seem prone to extremes, especially in the Christian world.

Some of us act as if emotions are a result of the Fall, so we stuff them or ignore them.

Others of us act as if emotions are king and we allow them to rule us.

We Devalue Emotions 

Some of us as seem to view emotions as not worthy of being considered part of the image of God. Emotions seem to be considered “the red-headed step-sister” of the image bearing family (with apologies to all red-headed step-sisters, including mine).

We accept that God created us with a soul to relate, a mind to think, and a will to choose. But somehow we act as if emotions were not God’s idea.

We see emotions more as a cursing than a blessing. “More harm than good.” “Suppress them.” “Ignore them.” “Don’t have them.”

Some not only devalue emotions, they demonize them. We’ll often hear,

“Don’t trust your emotions.”

This is shared as a blanket statement implying that somehow emotions are “more fallen” than our desires, beliefs, and motivations.

It would be more biblically accurate to say,

“Don’t trust any desires, beliefs, motivations, or emotions that are not being surrendered to the Spirit’s control and evaluated through the grid

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.