The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you today.

Westminster Books is offering discounts on the new The Biggest Story Curriculum. It looks amazing!

Stopping to Pray

“There’s a resistance natural to our flesh that keeps us from stopping and praying when we should. Have you ever wondered why it seems so instinctive to cease to pray rather than to pray without ceasing?”

Two Sexes, Created to Be Distinct

Certain things shouldn’t really have to be said. Yet here we are in 2023…

Join Costi Hinn @ TRC23 Speaking On “The One True Gospel Throughout The World”

In missions, the propagation of false gospels usually has little to do with the sincerity or the heart of the gospel messenger, and everything to do with outcomes sought. This session will speak to the true gospel and how to protect and cherish it across time and culture. (Sponsored Link)

How Did Animals Recolonize the World After the Flood?

Wes has been preaching through the biblical account of the flood, and “that led a parishioner to ask me about the redistribution of animals around the world after the Flood. For instance, how do we account for kangaroos in Australia?

To the full-length post originally published on this site.