A friend was going through the worst season of his life. His wife had left him for a coworker, and his college-aged daughter had recently been diagnosed with long COVID and had to drop out of a promising career track. There were other reasons for him to feel singled out, but relationships are most important, and his had suffered greatly. 

When he spoke, he had a distinct rhythm. He would talk about pain that took his breath away. He might veer off into future fears of being alone. He would be sure to stop on his regrets. He occasionally mentioned he had moments when he was angry with God, or at least perplexed by God’s ways. Interspersed were fears that his daughter would have brain fog and body fatigue for years to come. Then he talked about God’s faithfulness, how important Scripture had become to him, and his confidence in the Lord’s presence with him. 

After he followed this pattern three times in ten minutes, I was captivated. No matter where he began, he ended with rest in Jesus. 

But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.