Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple, but among them is The Coddling of the American Mind which, though not a Christian book, has been of great interest to many Christians.

(Yesterday on the blog: What An Expert on Sexual Abuse Says About Sleepovers)

My Love Cannot Save You

I really enjoyed this reflection on motherhood. “He rubbed my arm as I whimpered my way back into the real world, out of the terror of night. Sleep evaded me then and I stared at the ceiling thinking of every mother who cannot find her child. Every mother who has lost a part of her heart and soul. I prayed for mothers who claw at the side of government agents who cannot find their children.”

How to Stop Being So Lazy

“On TV, the lazy man or woman is portrayed as a lovable loaf. Even in their torpor, he or she just cracks a few jokes and that makes it all okay. But is laziness just something to be laughed off with a shrug and a ‘that’s just the way they are,’ or could it be that laziness is a more serious offense?”

Reformation: Can the Roman Catholic Gospel

To the full-length post originally published on this site.