Be sure to take a look at the “Blue Friday” sale this week at Logos. There is lots of good material on sale—books, commentaries, reference works, series, and more.

(Yesterday on the blog: She Died Too Soon)

Why You Don’t Need to Worry (So Much) about Your Schooling Choices

“Some parents seem to know exactly how they’re going to school their children from a very early age—whether homeschool, private school, or public school—never second-guessing themselves at any point from kindergarten through twelfth grade. That’s awesome. Terrific! I applaud those parents and commend them for their commitment to whichever school choice they’ve made for their kids. But this article isn’t for those parents. This article is for the rest of us…”

Let The Fire Fall (Video)

The John 10:10 Project has such neat videos: like this new one that celebrates “Firefall,” the phenomenon that takes place in February at Yosemite.

Charles Spurgeon on Social Justice

In the past century, one question has constantly plagued the church: How should the people of God respond to social issues? Rather than buying in to the “social gospel,” Alex DiPrima looks back to an unexpected source for biblical clarity: Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.