According to the Barna Group’s 2016 State of the Church report,

Most people in this country identify themselves as Christian. Almost three-quarters of Americans (73%) say they are a Christian. However, 55% believe that if a person is generally good, or does enough good things for others during their life, they will earn a place in heaven, that good works are sufficient for eternal life.

This inconsistency leads me to ask two questions, “Do people who identify themselves as Christian know the Bible’s definition?” and “What gospel are they believing?”

At best, many professing Christians are ignorant and confused about the exclusive nature of the gospel. At worst, they are believing a false gospel and the state of their own souls is in grave danger. The Bible is clear: No man, woman, or child will ever earn eternal life through good works or their own merit. Rather, the only way to be justified before God; that is, to be declared righteous, is by faith. This is the conclusion every person must come to in order to be saved. And that’s the truth a German monk named Martin Luther had to come to as well.

This month marks the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.