Good morning from beautiful Sydney, Australia where I’m beginning to film another episode of Worship Round the World.

Mind Your Platform

“I fear that we may have begun adopting these tools with little scrutiny. We marvel at the fact that things ‘can be done’ and skip over the question of ‘should they be done?’ How are we to think about our relationship to the platforms available to us? While our engagement with social media and platforms will vary greatly depending on our calling and our context, there are a few patterns I’ve noticed that I think we should be wary of.”

Actively waiting for Jesus

“The Bible describes the Christian life as waiting for Jesus to come back…” But this isn’t a sitting-around kind of waiting.

The Illusion of Anonymity 

While social media has many benefits, it has often served as a breeding ground for divisiveness and hostility. Hidden behind our screens, we are often tempted to type things we would never say aloud. In Taming the Fingers, Jeff Johnson encourages us to use our social media Coram Deo— before the face of God. (Sponsored Link)

Is the History of the Bible Important?

“Unlike any other of the religions of

To the full-length post originally published on this site.