My thanks goes to Reformation Heritage Books for sponsoring the blog this week. Their book Taming the Fingers is an important one for our times!

Today’s Kindle deals include several newer books and a few older ones as well.

(Yesterday on the blog: Missionary, Explorer, Abolitionist)

How Were the Books of the Bible “Chosen”?

As you may surmise from the quotation marks around the world “chosen,” that this doesn’t exactly describe what happened. “This particular framing of the question has a number of built-in assumptions that need to be recognized.”

Have We Misunderstood Paul on Homosexuality?

Wes Bredenhof shows how Mike Wittmer answers that question is in his excellent new book.

21 Ways God Is Sovereign Over the Environment

“It’s amazing how much time and energy is spent thinking and talking about environmental issues today. Sadly, most of it is done without any reference to God, who controls every aspect of it. Whether rain or snow, cold or heat, wind or stagnant air, the Lord is the one who continues to uphold it by the mighty power of His Son.” Paul Tautges explains.

Credo Magazine

There is a new issue of Credo magazine available to read. It’s

To the full-length post originally published on this site.