The science of embryology has not been kind to pro-abortionists, but that hasn’t stopped a popular comedian from doing his best to dismiss it.
Science establishes that, from the earliest stages of development, the unborn are distinct, living, and whole human beings. True, they have yet to grow and mature, but they are whole human beings nonetheless. Leading embryology textbooks such as The Developing Human, Langman’s Embryology, and Human Embryology and Teratology affirm this.
Rather than refute the scientific evidence for the humanity of the unborn, some justify abortion with a direct appeal to intuition. To be clear, moral intuitions are more than hunches. They are strong, stable, immediate moral beliefs requiring no prior justification. They are properly basic, or, as America’s founders wrote, “self-evident.”
Statements like “rape is wrong” and “murder is wrong” are properly basic. You don’t need a syllogism to defend them. Anyone demanding proof that rape and murder are wrong does not need an argument; he needs a psychologist! The truth of the statements is immediate, direct, and obvious. From a Christian worldview, a wise Creator built these intuitional truths into our nature. Indeed, if you don’t have some foundational truths in place to
To the full-length post originally published on this site.