Truth for Life (Alistair Begg) is featuring Seasons of Sorrow this month. You can purchase it for just $7 or get it free with a donation of any amount. It has never been easier to get a copy to read for yourself or to give away.

Logos users will want to take a look at this back-to-school sale as well as this month’s free and nearly free books. You’ll also find lots of good discounts on books from Baker Publishing.

When You Hate Your Body: The Standard of Self-Worth

“When I was growing up, there was a code I lived by: if you have beauty, you have everything. Physical beauty represented inner worth. Even as an adult, I sometimes still believe there is a standard, represented by beauty, which determines my worth as a person. And in my disappointment and despair of not reaching that standard, I tend to eat. For me, body image and food are bound together in a vicious cycle. One represents striving and self-loathing. The other represents self-soothing, desperate for comfort.”

The Secret Meaning of YHWH

Mark Ward responds to those who say there’s a secret meaning behind YHWH (or other secret codes

To the full-length post originally published on this site.