This morning a thread come up on my Facebook feed. It directed me to a Facebook biblical counseling group where a biblical counselor asked the group this question:

“Any critiques of The Logic of the Body: Retrieving Theological Psychology (Studies in Historical and Systematic Theology)?

I was struck by the seeming one-sided nature of that question: “Any critiques…?”

Unsurprisingly, so far the comments about the book are negative.

The Typical Biblical Counseling Response to Resources from Outside Their “Camp”

I was also struck by how common this is in our modern biblical counseling world.

When we deem someone to be “outside our counseling camp,” we tend to view their teachings through the lens of a one-sided, negative, critical critique.

And, yes, I am aware of my potential for being critical about those who are critical…

That’s why I want to focus on another possible, more positive, fairer way to engage with the views of others. I want us to ponder:

How can biblical counselors engage other Christian authors and their resources in a humble, fair, and balanced way?

Positive, Fair, and Balanced Ways to Ask the Question 

Let’s say that you’ve heard people talking about The Logic of the Body

To the full-length post originally published on this site.