This article is written by BCC Counselor Theron St. John as part of our mini-series on biblical wisdom for the workplace.

Late nights finishing projects. Work calls taken during vacation. Emails answered while spending time with the family. This described the life of Charlie.

Driven by a desire to climb the corporate ladder, he put in the work beyond the 9-5. His colleagues noticed his work ethic and applauded him for it. Yet, the praises he received in his workplace were not repeated in his home. All the time he gave to his job became time taken away from his family. Charlie’s work had become his world.

I suspect Charlie is not alone in this endeavor. Most of us desire to do our jobs well. Yet, there are two tendencies we face that do not match what God’s Word calls for us to in our work: idleness and idolatry.

If we are not plagued with idleness in our work, then our temptation may be to make an idol out of work. When we make work our idol, our work becomes our world and other problems arise.

Mistaking Our Identity

“Could you introduce yourself?” This is a simple question

To the full-length post originally published on this site.