Blessings to you today, my friends.

There are some new Kindle deals today (and some from yesterday I forgot to mention).

(Yesterday on the blog: Glorifying God and Glorifying Mountains)

Tempering our Tempers

This is a really helpful look at anger that is sinful and anger that is pure.

The Difference Between Optimism and Biblical Hope

“The Bible speaks a lot about hope, not so much about optimism. That doesn’t mean optimism is necessarily bad! (The Bible doesn’t mention pie, and only a monster would insist we avoid that.) However, both inside and outside of the church, there is confusion about hope and optimism.”

What Is Reformed Theology?

What is Reformed theology? There’s a modern answer and a traditional answer, as this article points out.

There Is Something Greater Than The Great Commandment

“Christians throughout all time have been, rightly, energized to love God more through this high calling. But I have to say this: There is something greater than the Great Commandment. Before you strike me off as a heretic, hear me out.”

Wings of Wonder (Video)

The John 10:10 Project is back with another great video, this one focusing on hummingbirds.

Tabernacles, Grief & My

To the full-length post originally published on this site.