A Great Question 

Someone recently asked me a great question:

“If we believe in the sufficiency of Scripture, then why use biblical counseling training materials? 

The Sufficiency of Scripture for Biblical Counseling 

This question arose after I posted the following comment on my Facebook Gospel-Centered Counseling and Equipping group.

“Since we are committed to the sufficiency of Scripture, no person’s books on biblical counseling, not mine, not Jay Adams’s, not David Powlison’s, are necessary. Potentially helpful, yes, just like the writings from the history of Christian soul care are helpful.”

“Another way to say this: no person’s interpretation of Scripture is sufficient; no person’s model of biblical counseling is sufficient.”

The Sufficiency of Scripture and Biblical Counseling Training Materials 

Here’s my response to the good question about why we use human-authored training materials if we believe in the sufficiency of Scripture.

Most of my 24 books are designed to train biblical counselors, so I do believe in training materials.

However, I would not want anyone to say, “I am of Bob Kellemen.” Nor to say, “I am a David Powlison.” Or, “I am of Jay Adams.”

Just like Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:12 did not want anyone saying, “I follow Paul. I follow Apollos. I follow Peter.”

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.