My Recent Readings and Reflections 

I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately about the Bible’s teaching on the body. Our biblical understanding of the body has great significance for how biblical counselors minister to people holistically. As I’ve said recently,

God calls us to be soul physicians of embodied-souls. 

Does Your Body, Your Suffering, Your Pain Matter to God? 


“Our physical pain genuinely matters to Jesus—it matters to God! We are far too prone to spiritualize what Jesus makes physical, even theologizing his physical suffering into a response to a spiritual problem (sin), as if our true being were only spiritual and not physical. For Jesus, the physical and spiritual are indissolubly connected, and his life and death address them both” (Kelly Kapic, Embodied Hope: Theological Mediations on Pain and Suffering, 94).

On Facebook and X (the site previously known as Twitter), I shared this about Kapic’s book:

Are you facing pain that won’t go away? Unrelenting suffering? I’d encourage you to consider reading Kelly Kapic’s Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering. The entire book is rich. Chapter 5, “Questions That Come With Pain,” provides a robust, realistic look at the book of Job to convey

To the full-length post originally published on this site.