The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you on this fine day.

Westminster Books has a deal on a new devotional book by Paul Tautges.

The Sons of God and the Daughters of Man

Mitchell Chase has just wrapped up a really interesting series of articles on “the sons of God and the daughters of man.” He looks at the various interpretive options, tells which he prefers, and defends his view.

Online ‘Prophets’ Are More like Jonah than Jeremiah

“It’s never been easier to step into the role of a would-be prophet, to stand in the long line of men and women over the ages called to ‘speak truth to power.’ Social media has amplified the ability to speak out on any number of issues—to expose the hidden corners of injustice, to rail against the abuses of the strong against the weak, and to point out the flaws in institutions and the people who lead them.”


“One of the lost and dying arts in the church these days is the practice of exercising hospitality.” That much is clear. But what can and should we do about it?

Life After Death

“While I can’t say

To the full-length post originally published on this site.