Timothy Z. Witmer, The Shepherd Leader at Home: Knowing, Leading, Protecting, and Providing for Your Family. Crossway, 2012. 176 pages.


Our culture is awash in confusion and disillusionment about the nuclear family. Our disenchantment with domestic life, though, is rooted in either ignorance of, disappointment with, or rebellion against God’s design for husbands and dads to lead their families in his truth and grace.

The results have been tragic. Very often, as dad goes, so goes the culture, for better or worse. This is why Tim Witmer’s book is timely; but it’s not social critique or theological treatise. It’s simple, practical, Christian wisdom, rooted in biblical truth and love.

After establishing seven biblical foundations for Christian marriage, Witmer gets right to the heart of his shepherding concern: knowing, leading, providing for, and protecting our wives and children. These are the fundamental responsibilities of the shepherd to the sheep.


If we are to lead our family-flocks effectively, then we must first take the initiative to know them well. That takes being a good listener so we can use our words to encourage, build up, and give grace to our wives and children in light of

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.