This week Westminster Books has a deal on a new book titled You Are Still a Mother that will be of comfort to many, I’m sure. They have a number of related titles on sale, including my own Seasons of Sorrow.

Psalms for Men Who Are Struggling

“The Psalms made no sense to me when I was in college because they sounded so bleak. Here were these compositions that were supposed to be so worshipful, but the Psalmists just spent too much time complaining about how hard life was. Now that I’m in my 40s, the Psalms resonate with me because in my frustration with the difficulties of life, I’ve said many of the things they say.”

Today’s Defining Question: What Is a Human?

Trevin Wax says, perhaps rightly, that the great theological battle of our day will be over anthropology. “What does it mean to be embodied? What do our bodies signify? What does our design say about our identity and purpose?”

Structured Song: a qualified appreciation of church hymnals

Andrew provides a qualified appreciation of church hymnals. “Much has been gained through the use of this new technology, but in this article I want to

To the full-length post originally published on this site.