I’ve got a couple of book deals to mention today.

First, Westminster Books is offering a discount on the excellent Ask the Christian Counselor series of short books. The various titles cover a range of important topics and are a good resource for counselors and pastors.

Meanwhile, 10ofThose is having a fall sale with lots of good books discounted including the new book by David Gibson The Lord of Psalm 23 as well as some geared toward Christmas.

And now some links…

Maturity requires suffering

“If you want to mature, you’re going to have to suffer. Actually, that’s not quite right. You are going to suffer, that’s the nature of life under the sun. Some of that will be petty, some of it will be serious, and (heaven-forfend) some of it will be so psychologically scarring that you’ll be getting over it for a long time.”

The Light Never Fades

Kristin is just slightly out ahead of Aileen and me in life stage and I love to read her reflections on it.

10 Things You Should Know about the Holy Spirit

I have benefited a lot from Fred Sanders’ writing on the Holy Spirit–books like The Deep

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.