I’m still in Unalaska, Alaska where the weather refuses to be anything but foggy—so foggy that planes can’t fly. Since there is literally no other way back to the mainland, I will need to wait it out. Thankfully I am well looked after and very grateful for Christian hospitality.

Westminster Books has a deal on a new book that means to help you better understand Reformed theology. You’ll also find good deals on the huge new Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, devotions based on the Shorter Catechism, and more.

I updated the list of deals currently on offer at ChristianBook.com.

Also, don’t forget about my upcoming webinar, Getting the Most Out of Logos.

When Catholicity Leads to Compromise

Jonathan Worsley commends catholicity yet warns that “an over-realized catholicity is potentially poisonous. I caution us all to beware of the following three catholicity-based compromises…”

Dare to Be a Daniel

“Maybe you’ve been exposed to the kind of teaching from the Old Testament that uses its stories to highlight moral examples. Is that kind of teaching bad? Should we do such a thing? Should it be avoided for the sake of christological interpretation?”


To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.