A Word From Bob 

Today’s post is a shortened version of 3 Nouthetic Cautions About Nouthetic Critiques of Others: From John Bettler. In that longer post, John Bettler asked,

In our desire to biblically assess counseling models, have we been unfair to the views of others, inaccurate with the text of Scripture, and insensitive to the pain of our counselees?

6 Self-Assessment Questions About How We Evaluate Others 

Here are six questions we could be asking ourselves today. 

Are we honest about those with whom we disagree? Do we fairly and accurately present what others actually say and teach about counseling? Do we at times misrepresent or distort the counseling views of others? Do we highlight only our perceived negatives of the counseling positions of others, or do we seek to also highlight the strengths of their counseling positions? Do we strive in all integrity to represent the counseling views of those with whom we disagree, not in their worst light, but in their best possible light? Do we know and present the counseling views of those with whom we disagree, not in a caricature, but in actuality and

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.