Editor’s note: At 9Marks, we’ve long appreciated those with whom we have the most important things in common, yet disagree with us constructively (Prov. 27:6). This article by Ed Stetzer is an example of putting that appreciation into practice. We hope you’ll benefit from him, just as we have. 

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When Jonathan Leeman asked me to write an article for this issue, he sent the title above saying, “C’mon, don’t you love the title?” 

You see, he knows (and Mark Dever knows as well) that I love gospel clarity and biblical ecclesiology, but I’m concerned about the anti-practical nature we sometimes see in the 9Marks community. 

This article is not in my place, but rather in yours, at their request, because they know I share so much in common. As a matter of fact, the last few churches I planted all used Dever’s A Display of God’s Glory to describe our polity. But I do think that there are some issues to consider in church planting. So, I’ve created nine things that 9Marks purists should know, because nine is a holy number!

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.