“If you had to do it all over again, would you still do it?”

That sounds like a question you might ask someone who’s just been convicted of a crime, and it’s one I was asked just this morning. My crime? Sending off 37 of our best members, along with two of our best elders, to plant a church. The prosecutor? An elder of a brand-new church plant in Dubai. I had just shared with him how much our latest church plant cost us.

We can always find reasons, even good ones, for not planting a church. And yet, the need for church planting in my town (Austin, Texas) far outweighs whatever adverse effects we may face.


We didn’t need to plant another church because we were bursting at the seams. We still have plenty of room in our building.

We didn’t plant another church because we possess abundant financial resources. We have an overwhelming debt that hangs like a millstone around our necks.

Instead, we needed to plant a church for pastoral and evangelistic reasons.

First, we had a significant number of members who were driving from northwest Austin to gather with us

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.