I find that many Christians get uncomfortable when talking about God and healing. To discuss God brining physical healing raises controversial questions about spiritual gifts. To discuss emotional healing seems to reflect a concept created by modern psychology, and reserved only for those who have experienced severe emotional hurt or trauma. To discuss spiritual healing seems to delve into the realm of spiritualists, Eastern religions, or the occult. So many Christians (and biblical counselors, in particular) end up avoiding the subject of healing all together.

The problem is, there’s something deeply ingrained in our fallen humanity that desires “healing.” When people talk about healing from hurts, or trauma, or broken relationships, or addiction, we resonate with them and long for a similar experience. But why are we so drawn to the concept of healing? Is it just the influence of our culture? Is it the impact of living in our psychologized world? Or could there be something deeply theological (and biblical) about the healing our souls seem to long for.

What Does God Say About Healing?

Scripture is filled with references to healing. Even aside from the numerous instances of physical healing (by Jesus, the Apostles, or others), the

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