Even on the best of days

We would like to think that every time we begin to counsel, the destination will be God’s beautiful sanctifying work in another, and we will rejoice in having the front-row seat. But what about the times when that is not where we land? What about the times when we feel as though we have run headlong into a brick wall, and rather than a front-row seat to a redeeming work it looks more like a shipwreck.   

As a retired Naval Officer, I know of no officer who started their day thinking “I am going to cause a shipwreck today.” Yet, in spite of the best of efforts, though rare, on some days two ships will collide on a big ocean and the consequences are always catastrophic.  For example, in 2017, USS Fitzgerald collided with a container ship off the coast of Japan and then, 9 weeks later, the USS John S. McCain collided with a chemical transport in the shipping lanes near Singapore.  The cost of those collisions included the lives of 17 Sailors. 

After 30 years of sailing and serving with the finest men and women our nation

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.