My gratitude goes to BJU for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about their upcoming CoRE Conference which will appeal especially to those involved in counseling.

Yesterday I shared a long list of Black Friday deals. I updated the list a number of times throughout the day and most of the deals remain active through the weekend. There are a few Kindle deals as well.

Find Your Fathers in Christ: Advice for Younger Men

“Over the last twenty years, I’ve had several great fathers in the faith. These men of God reached down to invest in me, and were far enough ahead of me that they could guide, challenge, and spur me on.” Marshall tells what he learned from them and encourages young men to find similar mentors.

How to Prevent a Spiritually Dry December

Ryan Higginbottom: “While there’s nothing wrong with any of these seasonal extras, here’s the truth I tend to miss. My experience of Christmas will be far deeper and more joyful if I’m connecting my activities to the Biblical truths of Christmas.”

Do You Know What Your Child Is Being Taught about Sex?

Jonathan Noyes says that “many public schools have

To the full-length post originally published on this site.